Don’t Get Lost: 3 Must Have Items In Dog’s Closet

We have already discussed when to dress dog breeds such as Italian Greyhounds or how to turn your doggo to a clothing lover. But in such a variety of different designs we tend to get lost.
What is actually a must have in dog‘s closet to have it complete? And what is cool but not that crucial?
We have you covered here. Ready? Steady. Read on!
Must have #1. Onesies for all occasions
There is an amazing thing about onesies – you can have your doggo wearing it all year long. It is the most universal type of clothes. Summer chilly evenings, autumn and spring days, cozy winter wear… Just be attentive on how thick the onesie you chose is! The thicker, the warmer.

Must have #2. Winter wear
Every year it happens… Winter comes. Rain or snow, your doggo can’t get cold. Prepare well! Windproof & waterproof are the keywords to look for when choosing the coat. Be sure it is easy to put on and off. To ensure the optimal level of warmth, choose a coat with at least two layers (waterproof outer layer and fleece, faux fur or similar material as a lining).
To have it as practical as possible, select the design that would allow to put a onesie underneath in case the winter gets really wild! Have one? You now have your dog secured for the whole cold season. If chosen wisely, it will be like new for seasons!

Must have #3. Universal vests or jackets
Luckily, winter does not last forever! For the occasions when it’s not freezing cold outside, say YES to all types of warm vests & jackets or similar. Late autumn, mild winter, early spring… Are you covered? There is a huge variety of choices out there in the market, just make sure it is warm, comfy and can be layered with onesies. That will allow you to mix & match and create new looks. How cool is that?

Nice to have #1. Raincoat
If you live with Italian Greyhound, you better than anyone know that they are not happy to take a walk in the rain. But hey, keep your head up, a proper raincoat might be a solution here. It’s hard to avoid rainy days throughout the year, so quality waterproof raincoat is something to save the day. Can you live without it? Yes. Would it solve a number of problems? No doubt!

Nice to have #2. Light wear vests & jackets
Summer is for naked dogs! But – not. So. Fast. During these times we have no idea what summer might bring. Therefore, some light fabric clothing is a great idea if it’s juuuust a bit chilly out there and still too warm to wear a onesie. If it’s warm but windy… That might come as a really great choice.
It might be especially cool if the piece has some additional function or is simply great attribute to the style. For example, if it’s reflective!

Nice to have #3. Pyjamas
Coziness is the second name for Italian Greyhounds and a loooot of other breeds. What is better than taking a daily 8-hour-long nap under the blanket? Oh, I know, I know! To nap under the blanket IN the softest pyjamas! Your dog will be warm, stay cozy and feel like wrapped in a blanket all-the-time. While it’s far from must have wear (the onesie can be used for the same purpose!), it’s is the loveliest piece to have to wear only at home <3

There are sooo many more types of dog clothing out there in the world! Choose your favourites and have your doggo’s closet filled with cool pieces.
And if ever in doubt, just make sure you have what’s a must for every cold-sensitive doggo: onesie, winter coat and warm vest or jacket. Your dog will be surely the happiest on Earth (unless you give him a chicken tight…:))
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